Testing Quick Start Guide
The following is a suggested list of actions for testing purposes for you to observe the installation of the Server and Client, investigate the software installed and observe StifleR in action. (For details on ”Interactive Mode” please visit the 2Pint Knowledge base and search for “StifleR Troubleshooting using interactive mode”)
Set up the Administrative Security Groups
Install StifleR Service, Dashboards and Beacon servers
Check that WMI and other bits are working
Stop the service
Start it in interactive mode (Testing only)
Check that the firewall ports are open for client connection
Check the Dashboards
Get IIS up and running
Launch your favourite browser and connect to the SifleRDashboard URL
Install StifleR Client
Stop the service
Start in interactive mode
The client should start and connect
Review the client connection
On the server choose option 5 (from Interactive Mode Menu)
Type in the subnet id (Subnet IP address) of the client and hit enter
View the stats
Exit Interactive mode and start the service
Start a BITS job on the client
Switch to the server and see the up to date information
Add another client
Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5
View the server again, see that the StifleR Red Leader is downloading data
Start the dashboard on the overview page
Drill into the subnet to view subnet info
Last updated