StifleR Client Configuration File
The StifleR Client configuration file is used to configure global settings for the StifleR server. The config file (StifleR.ClientApp.exe.config) is located within in the program files directory in which StifleR Client was installed. The settings below are located within the <appSettings> section of the file:
Note: Not all values in the StifleR.ClientApp.exe.config file are documented here. Please contact 2Pint Support prior to making changes to undocumented settings.
You must restart the "2Pint Software StifleR Client" service for the changes in the configuration file to take effect. In general, numerical value 0 = False and 1 = True. Individual values are to be considered default.
Setting Key Value Name | Values and Descriptions |
AlternativeLatencyHostName | Value: Description: |
BlueLeaderProbePort | Value: 3703 Description: |
BlueLeaderProxyPort | Value: 1338 Description: |
BranchCachePort | Value: 1337 Description: |
BranchCacheRetrievalPort | Value: 1336 Description: |
CheckInterval | Value: 30000 Description: |
ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri | Value: Description: |
DataPath | Value: %PROGRAMDATA%\2Pint Software\StifleR\Client Description: The local folder in which the client stores its configuration data. |
DebugLogPath | Value: %PROGRAMDATA%\2Pint Software\StifleR\Logs\ Description: The local folder in which the client stores the debug log. |
DefaultDisconnectedBITSPolicy | Value: 128 Description: |
DefaultDisconnectedDOPolicy | Value: 128 Description: |
DefaultNonRedLeaderBITSPolicy | Value: 64 Description: |
DefaultNonRedLeaderDOPolicy | Value: 64 Description: |
EnableDebugLog | Value: 0 (default) 1-5 Description: Enables debugging. This log will be fairly verbose, so remember to set it to "0" to switch it off afterwards. 0 = Disabled 1 = Errors Only 2 = Warning 3 = OK 4 = Informative 5 = Debug Errors and warnings will always be logged to the event log. |
EnableDebugTelemetry | Value: 0 (default) or 1 Description: |
ExpectedRedLeaderIntervalMultiplier | Value: 3 Description: |
Features | Value: EventLog, Power, PerformanceCounters, AdminElevatedTracking, AdminTracking, BranchCache, SendEndpoints, ResMon, MeasureBandwidth, LocationData, Disconnect, TcbStats, AckJobs, DOPolicy, RedLeader, BlueLeader, NotRedLeader, InterVlan, CreateBITSJobs, ExecutePowerShell ,RunCmdLine, ModifyJobs, Notify, WOL, UpdateServers, UpdateRules Description: A list of enabled features of the StifleR client. Add / Remove features and restart the StifleR client service. See descriptions of the features below. |
GreenLeaderOfferPort | Value: 1339 Description: |
LimitWiFiSpeeds | Value: 1 Description: If a Red Leader has not checked in within this time period, another one will be elected. Value in msecs. |
MaxPokeBandwidth | Value: 128 Description: |
MaxPolicyChangeTime | Value: 30 Description: |
NoJobIntervalMultiplier | Value: 15 Description: |
NoProgressTimeout | Value: 300 Description: |
Notifications | Value: Administrator Description: |
NotLeaderMaterial | Value: 0 (default) or 1 Description: |
ReportOnly | Value: Description: |
SendGeoData | Value: 1 (default) or 0 Description: If value is set to 1, the client will send geolocation data to the StifleR server. |
SignalRLogging | Value: 0 (default) or 1 Description: |
SkipMandatoryWarning | Value: 0 (default) or 1 Description: This setting disables the countdown dialog which appears when WinPE is about to run a mandatory Task Sequence assignment. This setting is only applicable to the StifleR Client .config file when using the /StifleRConfig option with the WinPEGen.exe utility. If the value is set to 1, the countdown dialog for a mandatory task sequence will be suppressed. For more information, see this OSDToolkit documentation page. |
SleepBeforeSwitchingServer | Value: 60000 Description: |
SRUMInterval | Value: 30 Description: |
StiflerServers | Value: http(s):// Description: The StifleR web service URL and port in which clients connect to. |
StifleRulezURL | Value: http(s):// Description: The URL which hosts the StifleRulez.xml file. |
UpdateRulesTimerInSec | Value: 3600 Description: The number of seconds in which the StifleR client will connect to the URL to download the StifleRulez.xml file. |
UpdateScreenInterval | Value: 2000 Description: |
UseBITSForRulezDownload | Value: 0 (default) or 1 Description: If value is set to 1, the client will use BITS to download the StifleRulez.xml file. |
UseFilterDriver | Value: 1 (default) or 0 Description: |
UseServerAsClient | Value: 1 (default) or 0 Description: The StifleR client can be run on a Windows Server system where, for example, you may want to monitor the Bandwidth performance of an SCCM Pull Distribution Point. the server can be monitored like any other client. It will not appear as a StifleR Server in the ‘Servers’ dashboard. |
UseStiflerServer | Value: 1 (default) or 0 Description: |
v1MaxSizeLimit | Value: Description: |
VPNStrings | Value: VPN, Cisco AnyConnect, Virtual Private Network, SonicWall Description: A comma separated list of VPN client strings that the StifleR client uses to detect whether an adapter is a VPN adapter. |
The Features config settings referenced above can be modified to add or remove specific features and functionality from the StifleR Client:
Feature Name | Description |
AckJobs | Enables the server to complete jobs |
AdminElevatedTracking | Enables reporting of client admin and elevation data |
AdminTracking | Enables reporting of members of the local administrator group |
BlueLeader | Device is/can a blue leader, bridges network segments for BranchCache and DO |
BranchCache | Enables the client/server to control the BranchCache settings |
CreateBITSJobs | Allows the server to push BITS jobs to the client |
Disconnect | Allows the server to disconnect the client |
DOPolicy | Enables the client/server to control the Delivery Optimization settings |
ExecutePowerShell | Allows the server to send PowerShell scripts to be executed |
EventLog | Enables eventlog reading from server/dashboard |
InterVlan | Enables Blue Leader messages, allows client to bridge other networks |
LocationData | Enables server to control the network locality settings |
MeasureBandwidth | Enables the client to measure the bandwidth availability if the server asks for it |
ModifyJobs | Determines if running jobs can be modified from the server/dashboard |
Notify | Not used, if device notifications are enabled |
NotRedLeader | Client can not be selected as Red Leader |
PerformanceCounters | Enables reading performance counters from server/dashboard |
Power | Allows server to control power state from server/dashboard |
RedLeader | Device is/can be a red leader, highest priority download on the network |
ResMon | Enables resource monitor functionality |
RunCmdLine | Allows the server to send command lines to be executed on the client |
SendEndpoints | Enables the server to retrieve the list of TCP endpoints the client is connected to |
TcbStats | Enables the server to retrieve the TCB statistics |
UpdateRules | Enable automatic updates of the Stifle rulez |
UpdateServers | Allows the server to update the server connection list |
WOL | Enables Wake-On-LAN functionality |
Last updated