StifleR POC Quick Checklist
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The below table is a checklist which can be followed to prepare for a StifleR Proof of Concept project.
Review .
Determine how many locations will participate in the POC.
Determine how many clients will participate in the POC.
Prepare a dedicated server (VM) to host the StifleR server. See specific .
Provision a standard SSL web server certificate with StifleR server computer name in the Subject Name.
Determine if 2Pint Team will have remote access to POC environment. If so, provide the following:
Domain User Account
VPN Access
StifleR server access
Configuration Manager Permissions (if applicable)
Intune Permissions (if applicable)
Access to several clients per location which can be used for RDP
If using Configuration Manager, and should be enabled on the Distribution Points which serve the locations participating in the POC.
Remove existing BITS, BranchCache, and Delivery Optimization policies from clients participating in the POC. See this page for more information on how to .
Open any Firewall Ports as documented .
Add Antivirus Exclusions as documented .
Create .
(s) to Secure Dashboard and Client Communications
on the StifleR Server.
on the StifleR Server.
in a phased deployment to clients participating in the POC.
As clients report in, the Locations, Network Groups, and Subnets will automatically be created in StifleR. This should be reviewed in the StifleR Dashboard and changes should be made to regroup or reorganize the network hierarchy if necessary. Please see the page for more information.
Deploy Applications to clients and review documentation.
Determine if StifleR has met the requirements set forth by the POC.