Automatic linking of Location, Network Groups and Networks

External addresses (NAT:ed networks)

Automatic networking linking

There are two types of automatic linking;

  1. Linking to an existing network, where the network is a phycially attached network that is routable from one to another. This can be a subnet that is defined as a different vlan on the same layer 3 switch.

  2. Networks that are in the same physical premise but is not routable directly within the same physical location. This could be the case where we have a WiFi network that is using central switching that is in the same physical location as another wired network. The networks are only routable via a central route (i.e. datacenter).

Routing detection

Route tracert is key for automatic link detection. There are two types of tracert testing;

  1. ICMP based tracert sessions

  2. TCP based tracert sessions [BETA]

We strongly recommend using the Beacons to define the place for the routing tests. As the beacon is defined on the networking group level, the following logic instructs the client to find it’s best beacon;

  1. Geo data

  2. Routing data to

Same network linking

We judge if the network is in the same physical network via;

  1. The network routing information

  2. If we return a route information from client this is compared to an already existing route, if there is a match on the second and third routes the location is deemed to be the same.

  3. If the route is the same, we test TCP connection data across on the BranchCache or DO ports to ensure we have a platform for P2P traffic to flow.

  4. If this test fails the location will be added in the same physical location but as a separate networking group.

  5. If we have no routing information or if the route data is inconsistent we check the machines gateway information by using the MAC address. If we find a match within 5 (configurable) bits on the MAC address we then test those locations for;

  6. If there is a direct link to that network using the TCPPing options.

  7. In case of a successful test, we then add the subnet to the same network group as the first item.

If the matching location has no Geo Data set, we then add the incoming geo location data (not for VPN).

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