StifleR Beacon Installation


  • Microsoft .NET 4.8

  • Open the required firewall ports

  • Installation account must have Administrator rights


From an Elevated Command prompt launch StifleR.Service.Beacon.Installer64.msi.

At the "Welcome" screen, feel welcomed, and then click Next.

At the "End-User License Agreement" screen, once you have reviewed the EULA, check the box: I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click Next.

At the "Service Logon Credentials" screen, choose the Logon Type, and then click Next.

Note: If using a local or domain account, the account must have "Logon as a Service" rights.

At the "Port Selection" screen, enter a Port Number, or accept the default port 5201, and then click the Test Port button. If the port is open, a green check mark will appear. If the port is not open, validate that the port is available. Once complete, click Next.

At the"StifleR Server(s) screen, enter the URL to the StifleR web service and port and then click Next.

At the "Destination Folder" screen, enter the path in which the StifleR Beacon server program files should be installed and then click Next.

At the "Select Firewall Configuration" screen, choose whether you would like the installer to create a firewall exception for the StifleR Beacon service port. Click Next to continue.

At the "Ready to install..." screen, click Install to begin the installation.

At the "Completed" screen, the installation wizard is complete. Click Finish and enjoy a nice cup of kombucha, you’ve earned it.

Last updated