Configuring StifleR to Use SSL
With the certificate installed, switching to SSL for SignalR and Dashboard communications, you will need to do the following:
Modify the StifleR Server configuration file.
Modify the Dashboard configuration file.
Modify the StifleR Client configuration file.
StifleR Server Service
You'll also need to modify the SignalR URL and Web Service URLS in the StifleR Server Configuration File:
This binds SignalR to all IP addresses on Port 1414. You can also specify a specific IP address, but using * is more portable especially if you set the value as part of a shared configuration file.
The certificate thumbprint will also need to be added to the StifleR Server Configuration File:
For the StifleR Server to use any changed settings above, the StifleR Server service must be restarted.
StiflelR Dashboard URL Configuration
To configure the web page which will connect to the SignalR service, change the URL in the file StifleR Dashboard Configuration File. The value should reflect the https URL for the StifleR Server API as well as the Dashboard web page:
As with all certificates, make sure that the FQDN that exactly matches the certificate name. If the Dashboard is hosted on the local machine, you cannot use 'localhost', NetBiosName, or IP address. Use only the name to which the certificate is assigned.
On new and existing StifleR Clients, setting the SSL info is configuring in the StifleR Client Configuration File:
To validate that the client is successfully connecting to the StifleR Server, restart the StifleR Client Service, and then in Event Viewer on the client within:
Applications and Services Logs / TwoPintSoftware / StifleR.ClientApp / SignalR / Operational
There should be an Information event entry such as:
Connection completed: Server https://StifleRServerName:1414/ Status: RanToCompletion
Last updated