

2Pint Support KB and Other 2Pint Website Resources

Lots of answers can be found here and you can even ask us questions via the support portal. Don’t be shy we love this stuff and are happy to help.

Debug Logging Levels

For both Client and Server, Debug Logging has 6 levels

1 = Errors Only

2 = Warning

3 = OK

4 = Informative

5 = Debug

6 = Super Verbose

This is set via the Configuration value:

<add key="EnableDebugLog" value="n"/>

WARNING – Debug Logging should not be enabled on a production server for anything other than troubleshooting purposes and should only ever be run for a maximum of about 5 minutes at a time before disabling (0)

StifleR Server

  1. Logs – there are many!

    1. Enable at installation using DEBUGLOG=n .msi switch (n Debug levels 1-6 available)

    2. Enable after installation by editing the StifleR.Service.exe.config file – <add key="EnableDebugLog" value="n"/> (n Debug levels 1-6 available) Service restart not required

  2. StifleR Service events are logged in the Windows Event Log at Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > StifleR

  3. Verbose logging can be viewed (for a short time only!) through a command window by running the executable directly in Interactive Mode. You must stop the Service first! TIP – If you have an installation that does not complete or a service that refuses to start. Fire up the executable in interactive mode and check any error messages that appear.

  4. WMI See this guide and the 2Pint KB

  5. Dashboards – Lots of information in the Dashboards to help with troubleshooting. The Performance Dashboard in particular gives you some at a glance Server health information

  6. Power Shell troubleshooting script (contact 2Pint Support for the latest)

Dashboards and Access Check

You can test access to StifleR using the following URLs –


Which will list the group membership and access rights of the current user

http(s)://FQDN.OF.STIFLER.SERVER /stiflerdashboard/ce.png

Which, if working correctly, will show the .png 2Pint Software Logo image from the dashboard folder.

StifleR Client

  1. Client.log

    1. Enable at installation using DEBUGLOG=n .msi switch (n Debug levels 1-6 available)

    2. Enable after installation by editing the StifleR.ClientApp.exe.config file – <add key="EnableDebugLog" value="n"/> (n Debug levels 1-6 available) Service restart not required

  2. StifleR Service events are logged in the Windows Event Log at Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > StifleR


Command Line tool >BITSADMIN

NOTE: This is something you should be familiar with if you are testing with BITS technologies associated with 2Pint tech.

BranchCache etc

  1. CMD Line >netsh br show status all – will get you started

  2. Microsoft P2P Reporting – see 2Pint KB for how to enable this feature on your test servers

  3. 2Pint Reporting Tools – particularly the BITSBCReporter Command Line Tool

  4. PowerShell

  5. Windows Performance Monitor

  6. 2Pint Software Web site – all manner of tips and tricks

Last updated