StifleR Dashboard Installation


  • Microsoft .NET 4.8

  • Installation account must have Administrator rights

  • Install the Internet Information Services (IIS) role on the server:

    The minimum IIS role and features required can be installed by using the following PowerShell command:

    Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server, Web-Windows-Auth -InlcudeManagementTools


From an Elevated Command prompt launch StifleR.Dashboard.Installer64.msi.

At the "Welcome" screen, feel welcomed, and then click Next.

At the "End-User License Agreement" screen, once you have reviewed the EULA, check the box: I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click Next.

At the "Select Operation Mode and Parameters" screen, verify the URLs for the dashboard to connect to the StifleR server and dashboard web service. By default, the port number for the StifleR service is 1414. If during the StifleR Server installation, a different port was used, modify the URL accordingly. Once complete, click Next to continue.

At the "Dashboard Website Configuration" screen, select the desired IIS web site to install the dashboard. Using a Custom Web Site and Application Pool If desired, you can configure the dashboard to use a web site and application pool other than the default. If so, a web site and application pool must be created in advance. Once the custom web site is created, select the custom web site in the drop down. If using a custom application pool, check the box: Use a custom app pool instead of the web site default. Once complete, click Next to continue.

At the "Destination Folder" screen, enter the path in which the Dashboard program files should be installed and then click Next.

At the "Ready to install..." screen, click Install to begin the installation.

At the At the "Completed" screen, the installation wizard is complete. Click Finish and enjoy a nice cup of coffee, you’ve earned it.

Post Installation

Post StifleR Dashboards Installation - IIS Configuration

As access to the StifleR dashboards is limited by Windows Group membership there is a requirement to make some security configuration changes on the StifleR Dashboards website within IIS. Specifically, we need to remove Anonymous access, and configure Windows Authentication. Then within Windows Authentication, ensure that the only provider that is enabled is NTLM. You can do this manually within IIS Manager, but the easiest way is to run the following PowerShell snippet:

#Configure IIS for Authentication
$siteName = "Default Web Site/StifleRDashboard"
Write-Host "Configuring IIS for Windows Authentication"

Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.webServer/security/authentication/AnonymousAuthentication -name enabled -value false -PSPath IIS:\ -location $siteName

Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.webServer/security/authentication/WindowsAuthentication -name enabled -value True -PSPath IIS:\ -location $siteName

Write-Host "Configuring Windows Auth Providers"

#First we remove all providers - then re-add NTLM Provider only.

Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter system.webServer/security/authentication/WindowsAuthentication `
 -Location $siteName -Name providers.Collection | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | ForEach-Object {Remove-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter system.webServer/security/authentication/WindowsAuthentication -Location $SiteName -Name providers.Collection -AtElement @{value=$_}}

Add-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter system.webServer/security/authentication/WindowsAuthentication `
 -Location $siteName -Name providers.Collection -AtIndex 0 -Value "NTLM" 

Testing the Dashboard Website

Navigate to the StifleR Dashboard website by visiting the URL defined during the setup wizard. By default this would be: http(s)://

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