Testing and Validation


The objective for the testing and validation phase of a POC can be summarized as such:

  • Manage and control traffic on all networks (subnets/locations) to be able to distribute software, and save bandwidth without a large server infrastructure at the same time not impacting business operations

  • Verify that your peer-to-peer traffic is working and are you offloading the network as intended including working with BITS/BranchCache, Delivery Optimization and LEDBAT.

  • Realtime visibility to identify what type of network traffic is creating bottlenecks and demonstrate that software distributions are being controlled and can be reconfigured immediately

StifleR Server

Implementing Bandwidth Limiting Server Components

Manage Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Technologies: Background Intelligent Transfer Service and Delivery Optimization

Reporting & Visualization

Network Requirements

StifleR Dashboard

To view the activities of the StifleR Clients, open the StifleR Dashboard on the StifleR server by visiting the dashboard URL: http://StifleRserver/stiflerdashboard/

There won’t be much in the way of traffic data yet, but you should be able to see the clients that were added in the previous steps. Drill down the Clients section of the dashboard to see the clients which have checked in. Once you have confirmed that the clients have connected to the dashboard we can move on.

Deploy an Application or Intune App to a single client PC and monitor the download

In this step you will deploy and monitor, in real time, a deployment to a single client:

  • Target a single client system only with the required deployment created in the previous step. You can use an ‘As soon as Possible’ deployment schedule.

  • On the targeted test client perform a Client Policy Refresh to speed up the deployment.

  • Review the content transfer in the StifleR Dashboard.

Deploy the Same Application or Intune App to peers

In this step you will deploy and monitor a deployment to peers:

  • Target two or more clients on the same subnet with the same Application or Intune App deployment.

  • Target other clients on a separate subnet with the same Application or Intune App deployment.

  • Review the content transfers in the StifleR Dashboard.

Last updated