Testing and Validation
The objective for the testing and validation phase of a POC can be summarized as such:
Manage and control traffic on all networks (subnets/locations) to be able to distribute software, and save bandwidth without a large server infrastructure at the same time not impacting business operations
Verify that your peer-to-peer traffic is working and are you offloading the network as intended including working with BITS/BranchCache, Delivery Optimization and LEDBAT.
Realtime visibility to identify what type of network traffic is creating bottlenecks and demonstrate that software distributions are being controlled and can be reconfigured immediately
StifleR Server
Implementing Bandwidth Limiting Server Components
Limits the number of concurrent downloads to a certain subnet (location)
Maximizes the P2P efficiency of built-in Microsoft P2P tech. Ensures a single download of content per location. Further leverages Microsoft Deduplication to reduce data transferred
Limit content transfers to the absolute minimum required
Limits the download speed to a fixed set of Kb/s per location
Ensures that business bandwidth is protected by allocating a set amount of bandwidth to content download traffic
Protect business bandwidth usage at all locations
Slow down, Increase, Pause, Restart or Kill all BITS download jobs
At busy times, or during emergencies – provides complete and instant control over all in-flight transfers
Flexible, reactive ability to control all content transfers
Manage Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Technologies: Background Intelligent Transfer Service and Delivery Optimization
Single Site Download
Enhances Microsoft BranchCache to enable multi-Subnet/Multi VLAN transfers
Limit content transfers to the absolute minimum required
Windows Store (WSfB)
Manage Windows Store and/or Windows Store For Business Downloads
Manage Delivery Optimization transfers regardless of source – while maintaining Bandwidth Limits
Microsoft Intune
Manage Content Downloads from Intune
Limit content transfers to the absolute minimum required
Windows Update / WUfB
Manage Content Downloads from Windows Update / Windows Update for Business
Limit content transfers to the absolute minimum required
Integrate with and Manage new Microsoft Bandwidth Management Technologies
Microsoft is implementing LEDBAT and CUBIC congestion control methods within Windows to facilitate Bandwidth Management within the Operating System
Use built-in technologies at no further cost where possible
Reporting & Visualization
Real time visibility
Dashboards providing a real-time tracking of all the above content transfers. Provide efficiency stats and highlight any issues
Single location to track & manage all types of download
Long term trend analysis
Optional recording of all data to a DB for analysis/data visualization/reporting/trending
Long term tracking of data transfers – can reduce Cloud storage/egress costs
Scripting Interface
Allow for customizations using an API or interface to automate items.
Complex scenarios
Deduplicated Cache Management
Store a copy of Windows Enterprise N media as well as Windows Enterprise media with minimum additional storage footprint
Reduced cache footprint
Pre-cache content for future deployments
Build and/or deploy faster
Network Requirements
Network Topology
Ability to dynamically build the network topology.
The systems management team can see the full network dynamically without interaction with the network group
Network team can add VLANs without notifying the endpoint management team and content is distributed inefficiently or causing outages
Auto-generation of networks
Auto Network Group Creation
Automatically create a new subnet / office location which may be unknown
The ability to create auto network groups within the dedicated tooling and not rely on external infrastructure or manual creation
StifleR Dashboard
To view the activities of the StifleR Clients, open the StifleR Dashboard on the StifleR server by visiting the dashboard URL: http://StifleRserver/stiflerdashboard/
There won’t be much in the way of traffic data yet, but you should be able to see the clients that were added in the previous steps. Drill down the Clients section of the dashboard to see the clients which have checked in. Once you have confirmed that the clients have connected to the dashboard we can move on.
Deploy an Application or Intune App to a single client PC and monitor the download
In this step you will deploy and monitor, in real time, a deployment to a single client:
Target a single client system only with the required deployment created in the previous step. You can use an ‘As soon as Possible’ deployment schedule.
On the targeted test client perform a Client Policy Refresh to speed up the deployment.
Review the content transfer in the StifleR Dashboard.
Deploy the Same Application or Intune App to peers
In this step you will deploy and monitor a deployment to peers:
Target two or more clients on the same subnet with the same Application or Intune App deployment.
Target other clients on a separate subnet with the same Application or Intune App deployment.
Review the content transfers in the StifleR Dashboard.
Last updated