Testing and Validation

To view the activities of the StifleR Clients, open the StifleR Dashboard on the StifleR server by visiting the dashboard URL: http://StifleRserver/stiflerdashboard/

There won’t be much in the way of traffic data yet, but you should be able to see the clients that were added in the previous steps. Drill down the Clients section of the dashboard to see the clients which have checked in. Once you have confirmed that the clients have connected to the dashboard we can move on.

Deploy the Program to a single client PC and monitor the download

In this step you will deploy and monitor, in real time, a deployment to a single client:

  • Target a single client system only with the required deployment created in the previous step. You can use an ‘As soon as Possible’ deployment schedule.

  • On the targeted test client perform a Client Policy Refresh to speed up the deployment

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