Debug Logging Levels
For both Client and Server, Debug Logging has 6 levels
1 = Errors Only
2 = Warning
3 = OK
4 = Informative
5 = Debug
This is set via the Configuration value:
<add key="EnableDebugLog" value="n"/>
WARNING – Debug Logging should not be enabled on a production server for anything other than troubleshooting purposes and should only ever be run for a maximum of about 5 minutes at a time before disabling (0)
StifleR Server
Logs – there are many!
Enable at installation using DEBUGLOG=n .msi switch (n Debug levels 1-6 available)
Enable after installation by editing the StifleR.Service.exe.config file –
<add key="EnableDebugLog" value="n"/>
(n Debug levels 1-5 available). Service restart not requiredStifleR Service events are logged in the Windows Event Log at Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > StifleR
Verbose logging can be viewed (for a short time only!) through a command window by running the executable directly in Interactive Mode. You must stop the Service first! TIP – If you have an installation that does not complete or a service that refuses to start. Fire up the executable in interactive mode and check any error messages that appear.
WMI See this guide and the 2Pint KB
Dashboards – Lots of information in the Dashboards to help with troubleshooting. The Performance Dashboard in particular gives you some at a glance Server health information
Power Shell troubleshooting script (contact 2Pint Support for the latest)
Dashboards and Access Check
You can test access to StifleR using the following URLs –
Which will list the group membership and access rights of the current user
http(s)://FQDN.OF.STIFLER.SERVER /stiflerdashboard/ce.png
Which, if working correctly, will show the .png 2Pint Software Logo image from the dashboard folder.
StifleR Client
Enable at installation using DEBUGLOG=n .msi switch (n Debug levels 1-6 available)
Enable after installation by editing the StifleR.ClientApp.exe.config file –
<add key="EnableDebugLog" value="n"/>
(n Debug levels 1-5 available) Service restart not requiredStifleR Service events are logged in the Windows Event Log at Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > StifleR
Command Line tool >BITSADMIN
NOTE: This is something you should be familiar with if you are testing with BITS technologies associated with 2Pint tech.
BranchCache etc
CMD Line >netsh br show status all – will get you started
Microsoft P2P Reporting – see 2Pint KB for how to enable this feature on your test servers
2Pint Reporting Tools – particularly the BITSBCReporter Command Line Tool
Windows Performance Monitor
2Pint Software Web site – all manner of tips and tricks
Last updated